Welcome to OriginalKaspers.com,
home of the Original Kasper's Hot Dog! Our page is under construction,
so check back often, and we're sure you'll find newer and greater things!
Original Kasper's is closed right now. We are in the process of addressing some long delayed maintenance issues and
we will reopen soon.
Please don't worry! We'll be back...and we aren't going to substantially change the way this ol' place looks either!
Thank you very much for your continued support and your loyalty to Original Kasper's Hot Dogs...we greatly appreciate it!
Come try our new Lemon Chicken Dog. Our Lemon Chicken Dog is served with Mustard, Tomato, Green Onion and Italian Parsley and is available with French Feta Cheese for a small additonal charge. It's GREAT, and our Lemon Chicken Dog has just five grams of fat and NO preservatives. Just the thing for those of you who are looking for a great tasting low fat lunch or snack. It's REALLY GOOD!
AND LOOK! We've added Real California Cheddar Cheese to our menu! Now you can order Cheddar Cheese on your "Original" at Original Kaspers! We custom shred Real California Cheddar Cheese FRESH for every ALL BEEF Original Kasper's Cheese Dog order. No pre-shredded processed "cheese food" from a bag at Original Kasper's, just the real honest thing. It's what you'd expect from the little place that Big Harry built.
Weenie Links:
Dog on a Stick -- Since 1948.
Visit us! We've been making the best hot dog on the planet since 1929. When you're in Oakland, California, come by the shop and enjoy an Original Kasper's Hot Dog at the oldest hot dog stand in California!
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our Guestbook
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and tell us your Kasper's story!
FastCounter by bcentral
send all questions or comments about our hot dogs to harry@kaspers.com
designed, edited, and maintained by David
Capurro, the.electronic.yoyo
Kasper's Hot Dogs are your Mental Health Food!"
last edited on 11.20.2004 @ 12:45am